Become a Teacher

Want to teach others Vibralite Healing?

Now you can share your joy and passion for Vibralite healing with others, by becoming a Vibralite Teacher. Teaching Vibralite is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling.

If you are a Certified Vibralite Healer, then now’s your chance to become a Vibralite Teacher. Vibralite Teacher courses include guidance on how to prepare for and run successful Vibralite courses.

There are five Vibralite Teacher courses, one for each level of Vibralite Healing. 

Each course includes:

  • More powerful healing energies and gifts
  • Raised vibration
  • Ability to attune others to Vibralite
  • Teacher attunement and energy transmissions
  • Online learning
  • Group mentoring
  • Course materials that make teaching easy, including presentation slides, teacher notes, plus student workbooks and manuals
  • Your special Teacher certificate
  • Guidance on how to market and run successful courses

There’s nothing more rewarding than changing people’s lives for good.

Become a Vibralite Teacher now!

My energies have soared even higher!

I recommend highly that even if you don’t want to teach, to take these courses for your own benefit as my energies have soared even higher than I could have even imagined! Pam Brodeur, USA

Teaching is very rewarding

Teaching is very rewarding to me as I can see my students transform from class 1 and see their light and energy start to grow stronger and brighter the higher, they go in the classes. Pam Brodeur, USA

Vibralite is really easy to teach

Vibralite is really easy to learn and to teach.  All the teacher courses are outlined with an index of every module in the course along with some really good videos explaining each module and how long it will take and goes through every module in a simple and easy way to learn. Pam Brodeur, USA

Are you ready to become a Vibralite Teacher?

Complete the application form below!

Teacher Application Form

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Then please refresh this page to continue your registration.


How much are the Teacher courses?

Each Teacher course is $480 USD. We offer payments plans so that you can pay monthly.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes! You can either pay in installments over 6 or 12 months; or you can pay in full. We don’t want cost to be a barrier to those who are passionate about teaching Vibralite Healing and helping others.

Once you have completed Vibralite 1 and run your first course, then the proceeds from that can go towards funding Teacher Vibralite 2, and so on.

The payment plan is provided entirely on a trust basis, and is funded solely by Helen Chapman, Vibralite Ltd.

Payment plans cost $8 extra per month (than paying in full), as we need to cover the additional charges from our payment gateway.

How many Teacher courses are there?

There are five Teacher courses – Teacher 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Each level enables you to teach the corresponding level of Vibralite. i.e. Teacher 1 enables you to teach Vibralite 1 etc.

What attributes are you looking for in a Teacher?

We are looking for people who are passionate about Vibralite Healing, and want to share that passion with others.

You do not need to have any teaching experience to become a Vibralite Teacher.

How will I find students?

Teachers find students through their existing contacts, local marketing activities, website and social media.

Teachers will learn how to market their courses in Teacher Vibralite 1.

How will I teach people? How will they get certificates and manuals?

You can hold your courses either in-person or on Zoom.

To make things easier for you to teach, we have created Teacher resources. These include slides and notes for you to present the course with, and a workbook for your students. Teachers can simply follow the slides and do the exercises in the workbook. Teachers are not required to follow the notes or slides, you can simply go through the course material with your students.

During each course, your students will receive:

  • A manual
  • Workbook
  • Certificate at the end of the course
  • Access to the online course

You will learn how all this works during the Teacher Vibralite 1 course, and rest assured, we have made the process as easy as possible for you.

How much should I charge for my Vibralite courses?
You can charge whatever you like for people to attend your Vibralite courses. However, any advertised courses must be at least the same amount as shown on the website for courses that are given by teachers. 
Are there extra fees for Teachers?
There is a Student Registration fee for each student you teach. This is paid by Teachers and is currently $64. It covers the cost of your student’s online course, certificate, manual, and registration with Vibralite.
There is no registration fee for family members.
What do the Teacher courses include? And not include?

Each course includes:

  • Learning how to teach Vibralite Healing.
  • Attunement and energy transmissions, enabling you to attune others. These will also give increased healing abilities and will raise your vibration even higher.
  • Group mentoring sessions.

These courses do not include:

  • Ownership of the learning materials, including manuals, slides, teacher guide and notes, and any other documents or templates.
  • Individual mentoring.
How many weeks between each Vibralite Teacher course?
There are 8 weeks between each Teacher course. This gives you time to fully assimilate the new Teacher energies before you move to the next course.
Does my website and social media need to include Vibralite Healing?

If you have a website or social media, then ideally you will have a page that is dedicated to Vibralite Healing.