Learning Vibralite is fast, easy and fun!
Vibralite 1 is the foundational healing course. You’ll learn to quickly and easily give yourself and others powerful Vibralite healing.
In just two to three hours, you can be sending Vibralite healing with ease. So what are you waiting for!
With Vibralite 1, you’ll be able to:
- Connect with the beautiful Vibralite energies
- Raise your vibration
- Promote healing and well-being in body, mind, and spirit
- Share the gift of this special healing technique with your family and friends
- Give special care to your furry friends
- Infuse crystals and spaces with beautiful vibrations
What’s more, you will learn how to do these things in a nanosecond, with just a simple request!
Here’s what you’ll gain from Vibralite 1
When you register for Vibralite 1, you get EVERYTHING below for just $88USD. Your Vibralite 1 registration fee includes all the following modules, plus the attunement.
Bonuses and highlights
- 3 FREE Vibralite healings valued at $132 USD
- Vibralite 1 attunement, connecting you to the Vibralite energies
- 12 learning modules, which are clearly set out and easy to follow
- Informative videos, giving you guidance and insight
- Vibralite 1 manual, beautifully illustrated and full of helpful information and tips
- Join our Vibralite Community group
- Certificate on completion of the course
The course takes just two to three hours, and you can do it all at once, or any time you choose.
Read more about the modules below.

“I feel blessed to have been introduced to Vibralite. This is an extremely powerful and intelligent form of energy healing that is fascinating and simple to learn.”
Vanessa Lord, Dubai

“I’m loving this course. Thank you Archangel Raphael and all our brothers from the cosmos.”
Mich Bhe, USA

“Both Vibralite 1 and 2 are by far and away the best healing courses I have done. The instructions are clear and easy to follow and I love doing the quizzes at the end of each module to consolidate my learning. The healings during the courses are amazing and they show just what an amazing healing modality Vibralite is.” Kavya Ashree Thomas, UK

“Vibralite 1 course is so nicely designed and paced that it is definitely for you to explore, if you have the heart’s calling to greatly improve your life and health as well as those of your loved ones. Becoming a great Tool of the Universe working for the greater good of all, this is what this course all about.”
Agnė Talmantaitė, Vilnius, Lithuania
What you will discover in the modules
Module 1 – Introduction to Vibralite healing
In this introductory module, you’ll learn all about the Vibralite energies:
- How they work
- How effective they are at healing the mind, body and spirit
- Why they are unique
- How Vibralite came to be
- How frequencies affect healing
- What happens during every step of a Vibralite healing
Module 2 –Highest Good and troubleshooting
In this module, you’ll learn everything you need to know about what happens during Vibralite healing.
Here’s what you’ll learn
- Vibralite’s overarching principle of ‘Highest Good’
- How to recognise when healing is sent
- Plus, some helpful troubleshooting tips
Module 3 – How to give Vibralite healing/Receive your attunement
This is a very special module because this is where you receive your attunement, giving you the ability to give Vibralite to yourself and others. You will also learn the easy techniques for doing so.
Here’s what you’ll learn
- The simple Vibralite requests, which make sending Vibralite easy
About your attunement
- Because this course is online, you can receive the attunement in the comfort of your own home at a time of your own choosing.
- During the attunement, you’ll be connected to the Vibralite energies and will receive your very own Vibralite healing pool.
- The Vibralite energies take about an hour to fully assimilate into your healing pool.
- As soon as the attunement is completed, you will be able to start giving powerful Vibralite healing to yourself or anyone.
Module 4 – Using routines to simplify healing
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to use routines to make Vibralite healing even simpler
- A deeper understanding of what happens during each step of a Vibralite healing
- How to send healings in advance, making healings even more efficient and easy to do
Module 5 – Repeat healings & Vibralite healing pool system
During this module, you’ll find out:
- How easy it is to give repeat healings automatically, without needing to ask for them each time
- How repeats extend the treatment period
- How they improve client outcomes
- How the Vibralite healing pool system functions
Module 6 – Vibralite Self-Care
In this module, you will find out all about Vibralite Self-Care:
- What the Self-Care activation session involves
- How easy it is to give Vibralite Self-Care so that your loved ones, pets, and clients can access it 24/7 for self-help healing support
- How to teach people how to use Vibralite Self-Care
- You’ll realise why pets thrive on it!
Module 7 – Frequency currents for joints
In this module, you’ll discover Vibralite’s unique integration of virtual crystal energy for enhanced effects:
- Find out how easy it is to use Vibralite virtual crystalline energy to compliment your Vibralite healings
- Learn about virtual crystal currents to heal and support joints along with virtual healing crystals
Module 8 – Sending crystal properties
In this module, you’ll discover more easy and fun ways that Vibralite sends virtual crystal energy:
- Learn about how Vibralite creates and sends virtual crystal properties
- Have some fun sending yourself virtual crystal properties of rare and expensive crystals!
Module 9 – Infusing crystals and places with Vibralite
This is a fun module, where you’ll learn how to extend Vibralite beyond humans and animals:
- Have fun infusing crystals with beautiful Vibralite vibrations to cleanse and clear them
- Learn how to send Vibralite to your home and other spaces, so that you can replace stale energy in your environment with beautiful vibrations
Module 10 – Vibralite’s unique Sacred Geometry
This module is all about Vibralite’s powerful and unique sacred geometry. It’s a very special module, so don’t miss it!
- Learn about the significance of the different sacred geometric shapes that comprise Vibralite energy
- Discover how the sacred geometry is used in Vibralite healing
Module 11 – Vibralite immunity shield and support
In this module, you’ll find out about Vibralite’s very special immunity shield and immunity support:
- Learn about the immunity shield’s protective barrier
- Learn how to give immunity support to friends and loved ones
Module 12 – Vibralite protection
In this module, you’ll find out about Vibralite’s built-in protection mechanism:
- Learn about the Seal of Atlantis and the protective shield
- Learn how to call upon Vibralite’s unique and powerful protective shield when you need it
Module 13 – Free healing at week 4
In this module, there is nothing to learn. Just sit back and enjoy your first free healing straight from its most powerful source.
This module is available in week 4, once you have completed the previous modules.
Module 14 – Free healing at week 8
This module is another chance to it back and enjoy another free healing. This module is available in week 8, once you have completed the previous modules.
Module 15 – Free healing at week 12
This module is released in week 12, which is when your attunement has fully assimilated. It will be available to you at 12 weeks, once you have completed the previous modules.
Module 16 – Course conclusion
This is the final module in this course.
- You’ll receive your Vibralite 1 certificate signifying the completion of this course!
When you register for Vibralite 1, you get all of that for just $88USD.

“I’ve really enjoyed the course and using Vibralite 1. I’m always amazed by what it can do, how fast it works and the results it achieves.” Carrie Ebdon, Wales

“I just finished Vibralite I and have to say this course was just what I was looking for. I had been searching for a new modality that would work with higher frequencies. I am so excited to be a part of the Vibralite Family and can’t wait to continue with the rest of the courses.”
Pam Brodeur, USA

“The course is designed in a way that you integrate all the knowledge into your experience, as your healing power and energy smoothly and surely builds up as you grow one multidimensional and multifaceted step at a time. The course material is so nicely prepared and wisely paced. I loved it much and I do recommend it for anyone who has a calling to use and increase his/her healing abilities and skills.” Agnė Talmantaitė, Vilnius, Lithuania
Join Vibralite 1 Now!